upon the gruelling pains of yesterday's memory
i rise
dripping blood on the blade of suffering,
bodies dismembered,
the smell of burnt flesh slumbers upon the air....
smoke from pitch black coals
small embers still persists
tears, ice-cold tears of a child
her bloodstained cloth
sticks a lizardlike on sweaty,pale,skin.
from a distance, an owl hoots,complainingly
pray'rs of a thirsty soul
the breeze hums peculiar notes of elegy.
a small acacia branch...
leaves welcome it
and fall gracefully upon the bossom of this earth.
child strides
a step against broken glass
blood drips.
a tear
a cry
a death
a birth.
a poem written one gray morning, in a gray room...by a gray soul at nueva ecija high school,philippines. in memory of victims of greed of war and hate in the south. jmsantos 07
-illustration created by some student--
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